
  • Matthias Keller

    Functions: CEO OSINSTITUT
    Education: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Netherlands), physiotherapist (Bayreuth)

    Matthias Keller directs the OSINSTITUT and works as a physiotherapist. His key focus lies on rehabilitation and active therapy. He is a member of the editorial board for the journal "Sportphysio" published by Thieme Verlag and a part of the committee "Rehabilitation and Prevention" of Deutsche Kniegesellschaft (DKG) and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arthroskopie (working group on arthroscopy). He works in advisory function for several clubs in elite sports.

  • Nils Borgstedt

    Functions: Editorial and public relations
    Education: Media Studies B.A. (University of Regensburg)

    Nils Borgstedt is a media scientist and sports journalist. Since October 2019, he has been heading the editorial, social media and public relations departments at OSINSTITUT. After studying media science in Regensburg, Nils helped establish the online sports portal and directed its editorial team as chief editor for several years before taking over as editorial director at Leistungslust - Fachzeitschrift für Sport- und Fitnesstrainer (journal for sports and fitness trainers) for two years in 2017.

  • Julian Kausch

    Functions: Management assistent
    Education: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Kiel), AP Degree Financial Management (Kopenhagen, Dänemark)

    Julian is a physiotherapist and financial economist and has been working for OSINSTITUT ortho & sport since the beginning of 2023. As an assistant to the management, his daily tasks include supporting all areas of the company. His expertise in health and business in combination are rare, and his professional experience from these areas will not only benefit the future design of the company.

  • Natascha Bauer

    Functions: Assistant to the CEO, human resources, legal, customer management, lecturer
    Education: Scientific principles of sport B.Sc. (TU Munich), ethnology (subsidiary subject law) B.A. (LMU Munich)

    Natascha Bauer is a sports scientist and ethnologist and has been working at OSINSTITUT since 2015. She manages the areas of customer service, human resources and data protection. She works as a lecturer at seminars and supports the seminar management in the preparation and follow-up of the seminars and participates in individual phases of scientific projects of the OSINSTITUT.

  • Verena Müller

    Functions: Finance manager
    Education: Business economist (HWK), businesswoman for data technology

    Verena has taken over the commercial area at the OSINSTITUT since October 2022. She is the contact person for all matters that are essential in the commercial area.

    After a classical commercial apprenticeship and extra-occupational business studies, she developed and concretised extensive projects as a sales manager for business software solutions. From 2007 onwards, she worked as a lecturer for various educational institutes. She also ran her own event agency and worked for renowned artists.

  • Moritz Neudecker

    Functions: Seminar organisation, lecturer
    Education: Sports Scientist B.Sc., Sports Psychologist M.Sc.

    Moritz is a sports scientist and sports psychologist. His focus is on performance diagnostics, management of rehabilitation and the return to sport process. He is an expert of functional analyses (PREHAB SCREEN® and the Return to Activity Algorithm®) and mental coaching during rehabilitation. Moritz is a lecturer at the OSINSTITUT ortho & sport and contributes to scientific projects.

  • Kim Nibbe

    Functions: Unterstützung Social Media und Seminarorganisation, Recherchearbeit
    Education: aktuell Studentin B.Sc. Physiotherapie (Hochschule Fresenius München)

    Kim studiert seit 2021 Physiotherapie an der Hochschule Fresenius in München. Seit 2020 hat sie mehrere Praktika im OSINSTITUT absolviert und ist seit Juli 2022 als Werkstudentin im Team. Seither ist sie im Social Media Bereich, der Seminarorganisation und -durchführung sowie im Kundenservice tätig. Zudem unterstützt Kim Screenings bei Vereinen und übernimmt Recherchearbeiten für die Forschung des OSINSTITUTs. In ihrer Freizeit spielt sie liebend gerne Handball und segelt.

  • Dr. Eduard Kurz

    Functions: Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) OSINSTITUT
    Education: Promotion Dr. rer. nat. (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Dipl. sports scientist (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

    Dr. Eduard Kurz is a graduate sports scientist, sports therapist, athletic trainer and research associate at the Department of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital Halle (Saale). Since 2012, he has been a lecturer and director of research at the OSINSTITUT as well as a member of the editorial board of the specialist journal "Sportphysio" published by Thieme Verlag. Eduard Kurz is an expert in the process of returning from rehabilitation to daily life and to sport. He is also a certified A-trainer in karate (DOSB).

  • Volker Hacker

    Functions: Head of seminar, lecturer
    Education: Physiotherapist (Bayreuth)

    Volker Hacker has been part of the OSINSITUT lecturer team since 2016 and is responsible for the conception and execution of the practical workshops at the seminars. As head of seminars, he is responsible for the their implementation at various locations. In his work as a physiotherapist, his focus is on manual medicine, medical training therapy and functional training.

  • Bernd Steinhoff

    Functions: Head of seminar, lecturer
    Education: Sports scientist M.A. (Georg-August University Göttingen)

    Bernd Steinhoff is a sports scientist with a focus on "sports therapy". At the OSINSTITUT ortho & sport, he is  a lecturer since 2014 and is head manager at the seminar location in Zuzenhausen. He works as a sports therapist at the Achtzehn99 Reha, which is an affiliate to TSG 1899 Hoffenheim. The focus of his work is training control in the rehabilitation of orthopedic patients up to competitive athletes.

  • Wolfgang Schoch

    Functions: Scientific assistant, lecturer
    Education: Physiotherapist M.Sc. (Physiotherapy University Krems), Physiotherapist (BG Unfallklinik in Ludwigshafen/Pfalz)

    Wolfgang Schoch is a physiotherapist (M.Sc.) and is involved with scientific projects at the OSINSTITUT and further as a lecturer for the OS seminars. He is a member of the physiotherapy expert group of "Deutsche Kniegesellschaft" (DKG) as well as the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arthroskopie" (working group on arthroscopy) and performs various teaching activities at technical colleges and universities. His main areas of treatment include orthopaedic treatment methods, functional training and the care of athletes. Together with Georg Supp, he runs the PULZ physiotherapy centre in Freiburg.

  • Denis Overlöper

    Functions: Lecturer
    Education: Physiotherapist, B.Sc.

    Denis Overlöper is a physiotherapist (B.Sc.) and part of the OSINSTITUT ortho & sport since 2018. He is a lecturer for our seminars as well as for the OSCOACH ortho & sports expert International training. His practical work focuses on the prevention and rehabilitation of amateur and competitive athletes. He likes to combine manual therapy with elements of functional training.

  • Sebastian Capel

    Functions: Lecturer
    Education: Sports scientist, M. Sc. (German Sport University, Cologne)

    Sebastian Capel completed the Master of Science programme "Exercise Science and Coaching" at the german sports university in Cologne. In 2013, he worked as a therapist and performance diagnostician at the UKE Athleticum in Hamburg. As part of the medical team cooperation, he has been active as a rehabilitation coach on the professional coaching staff of Hamburger SV since 2015.

  • Dennis Morschel

    Functions: Lecturer
    Education: Physiotherapist (UK)

    Dennis Morschel has been athletics coach at Borussia Dortmund since 2020.  He has worked in competitive football since 2011, most recently with 1. FC Köln, and is a DOSB sports physiotherapist and DOSB athletics trainer. His focus is on rehabilitation after injuries, injury prevention and individual athletic training.

  • Kathrin Nößler

    Functions: Lecturer
    Education: Physiotherapist (Klagenfurt), current studies: Sports Physiotherapy MSc.(University of Salzburg)

    Kathrin Nößler has been a lecturer at the OSINSTITUT ortho & sport since 2021, and previously worked as an assistant at our seminars. She works as a physiotherapist at the UKH Klagenfurt and in a group practice. Her main areas of treatment are injury prevention, rehabilitation and training management.

  • Andreas Beck

    Functions: Lecturer of the international education to become an OSCOACH
    Education: Sports Science and Sports Medicine, M. Sc. (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main)

    Andreas Beck is a lecturer in the areas of stress and load management in professional soccer and return to play as part of the international OSCOACH ortho & sports expert training. After studying sports science, Andreas started his professional career as an athletics and rehab coach at 1. FC Nürnberg in 2007. In 2012, he moved to Borussia Dortmund and worked there as an athletics and rehab coach until 2020. Since 2020, Andreas has been head of athletics, prevention and rehabilitation at Eintracht Frankfurt.