2,5h lecture
Late stage rehabilitation post ACL: strength and power testing and training

In this 2.5-hour online seminar, Mattew Buckthorpe provides a comprehensive insight into the late phase of rehabilitation after cruciate ligament injuries. There will be a particular focus on measuring and building strength.

Target groups:

Physiotherapists, sports scientists, doctors, sports teachers and licensed trainers

Included services:

  • Presentation as a PDF
  • Certificate of participation
  • Interactive live seminar


After the online seminar, you will get a seminar certificate. It contains information on the type, content and duration.


  • Computer/mobile device with internet access
  • Speaker and microphone or headset
  • The zoom application, which can be downloaded from zoom.us or used as a web application at www.zoom.us.

About the speaker 

Matthew Buckthorpe BSc, MSc, PhD is an educator, applied researcher and practitioner within the fields of sport, exercise and rehabilitation science. He is currently a senior lecturer at St Mary’s University, Twickenham (London, UK) in Physiology and Strength and Conditioning Science and consultant to Isokinetic Medical Group’s (FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence) Education and Research Department. Previously, Matt was a rehabilitation specialist and applied researcher with Isokinetic Medical Group (2012-2020) and consulted to the Performance Science department of Southampton Football Club. Matt’s background is as an Interdisciplinary Sport & Exercise Scientist. He attained a PhD in Neuromuscular Performance (2014) at Loughborough University and has more than 35 peer reviewed publications. His research interests are in neuromuscular performance, rehabilitation and return to sport post-ACL reconstruction and injury mechanisms and prevention. In particularly Matt focused heavily on translating research into practice and has published many leading education reviews and clinical commentaries in leading sports medicine journals.  


*This seminar serves to prepare, implement and ensure the quality of the training to become an OSCOACH ortho & sport expert. 

*Diese berufliche Fort- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahme dient zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Qualitätssicherung der Ausbildung zum OSCOACH ortho & sport expert.

Dates & booking