The RTAA® through the eyes of a patient
Can you describe patients' experiences with the Return to Activity Algorithm (RTAA®)? We asked Kim - she gives you an insight into her therapy and describes how the RTAA® has helped her.
Patient Kim
Injury diagnosis: Anterior cruciate ligament rupture left and rupture of the left medial ligament during a ski training race.
Therapy status: 1 year after cruciate ligament surgery
Hi Kim, thank you for your time and especially for sharing your experiences with the RTAA® Lower Extremity as a patient. How was the therapy with the Return to Activity Algorithm® for you?
After my cruciate ligament rupture, I was very enthusiastic about the RTAA® because it was possible to determine the functions of my knee in a very structured way. There was no general statement like "after 4 months you can go jogging again", but an individual rehabilitation programme could be put together for me. That gave me security and confidence right from the start.
When did you start with the RTAA® and what is your current therapy status?
I started the RTAA® two weeks after the skiing accident and four weeks before the operation. This allowed my knee to be already very stable at the time of the operation. Due to the intense pain, it took a few weeks after the operation before I could start training again. Now, one year after the operation, I have passed the tests of the RTAA®, but my quality of movement still needs improvement.
Did the RTAA® influence your motivation during your therapy?
Yes, the RTAA® motivated me a lot because it showed me my path in rehab and I always knew what the next goal was, e.g. small jumps. This was an encouragement to train more. When I passed the next level in the RTAA®, it was also a kind of confirmation for me that all the training and practising had paid off - and that ultimately motivated me even more!
Seminar notice
The Module Rehab contains all contents around the RTAA®.
Module Rehab // 27th - 29th October 2022
How did the RTAA® help you get back into the activity?
The RTAA® gave me confidence in my knee, so it also helped me mentally. From the tests I knew that my knee could take high loads and was stable. So I was able to get back into my training without any fear of injury and with confidence.
What is your favourite RTAA® exercise?
As I am a handball player, I really liked all variations of jumps as it brought me closer to my sport again. For strength building, one of the most effective for me were single leg squats.
Thank you Kim for your precise descriptions! Is there anything else on your mind that you would like to share with our readers? :-)
With pleasure! I would also like to add that I would be happy if the RTAA® were available to many amateur athletes. Because I firmly believe that the RTAA® is an important part of a structured rehab for a return to sport. I was able to regain my motivation, security and confidence in my body through the RTAA.
The interview was made by Sophia Schmalzgruber.
Note: Interview partner Kim Nibbe is currently doing an internship at the OSINSTITUT.